株式は「遅れた」ラリーを得たが、それは1日以上続くことができるか? – IBD

Bulls haven’t had much to applaud so far this year, but on Thursday the Nasdaq scored its first 2016 gain in rising volume. The Nasdaq shook off an early 1.2% loss and reversed to a 2% climb. The S&P 500 and the Dow Jones industrial average added 1.7% and 1.4%, respectively. The IBD 50 advanced 1.6%. Volume rose across the board. Considering the sharp daily losses so far this year, a relief …
Read More At Investor’s Business Daily: http://news.investors.com/investing-the-big-picture/011416-790006-stocks-get-their-overdue-rally-but-can-it-last-more-than-a-day-.htm#ixzz3xHTPdtYa
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小型株は弱気相場に入った;ナスダックも大幅反落 – IBD

Small-cap stocks officially entered a bear market amid a wide-ranging sell-off Wednesday, fueled by the lowest oil prices in a dozen years. Brent crude futures touched below $30 a barrel, accelerating the stock market’s decline. Brent oil marked lows not seen since April 2004 and has now fallen nearly 74% below its June 2014 peak of $114.81 a barrel.
The Russell 2000, a key market gauge of smaller, publicly traded companies, dove 3.3% to end at 1010.19. That level is 22.1% below its 52-week peak of 1295.99, set on June 23.
In stock parlance, a decline is officially labeled a bear market when the price correction exceeds 20% from a 52-week or all-time high.
Read More At Investor’s Business Daily: http://news.investors.com/investing-the-big-picture/011316-789780-how-is-the-stock-market-today.htm#ixzz3xBxoWAAb
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買いの波は、ヨーヨー相場後半に、株を上昇 – IBD

Market volatility was in full effect Tuesday as the major averages opened higher, reversed lower and then rallied strongly into the close. The Nasdaq erased a 1.7% intraday gain but found its footing late. It ended an eight-session slide, rising 1%. The S&P 500 added 0.8%, and the Dow Jones industrial average picked up 0.7%. Volume on the NYSE rose slightly from Monday’s level. Nasdaq volume …
Read More At Investor’s Business Daily: http://news.investors.com/investing-the-big-picture/011216-789527-wave-of-buying-lifts-stocks-late-in-yo-yo-session.htm#ixzz3x63isdV6
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現在の資産状況 – 損益7%

年末年始と忙しくすっかりご無沙汰ですが、年初来でだいぶ下げましたね^ ^;;
国内株式インデックスファンド 0円
外国株式インデックスファンド 50,000円
現在の掛金 55,000 円
配分割合 外国株9:国内株1
確定拠出年金専用定期預金  資産残高327,938円 購入金額327,938円
国内株式インデックスファンド 資産残高1,783,598円 購入金額1,953,344円 損益 -169,746円 -8.7%
日経225インデックスファンド 資産残高120,449円 購入金額132,097円 損益 -11,648円 -8.8%
外国株式インデックスファンド 資産残高4,424,385円 購入金額4,925,095円 損益 -500,710円 -10.2%
資産残高 6,846,379円
拠出金累計 6,398,459円
損益 447,920円
損益率 7.0%
運用利回り 3.8%
Market Hack
Market Hack流世界一わかりやすい米国式投資の技法
オニールの成長株発掘法 良い時も悪い時も儲かる銘柄選択をするために

株式は前場の損失を取り戻したが、市場は未だ軟調である – IBD

Sellers had the upper hand for the better part of Monday’s session, but buyers came in during the last hour of trading, a nice change of pace from a rough prior week. The Nasdaq recovered the bulk of a 1.5% intraday loss by the close, falling just 0.1%. The S&P 500 added 0.1% and the Dow outperformed, rising 0.3%. Small caps lagged again, with the Russell 2000 down 0.4%. Volume on both …
Read More At Investor’s Business Daily: http://news.investors.com/investing-the-big-picture/011116-789298-stocks-recover-early-losses-but-market-still-defensive.htm#ixzz3wzU8pshg
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株価指数はさらに大幅下落したが、最低限出来高は減少した – IBD

Stocks booked sizable losses in fading volume Friday, which almost made the day seem like a win. The Nasdaq fell 1% after being up 1.1% early. The S&P 500 trimmed 1.1%, while the small-cap S&P 600 lost 1.7%. The IBD 50 skidded 1.6%. Volume fell across the board. None of these numbers is good. Yet, at least the market avoided the torrid, high-volume selling seen in three of the previous four …
Read More At Investor’s Business Daily: http://news.investors.com/investing-the-big-picture/010816-789030-stock-indexes-lose-more-ground-but-at-least-volume-steps-down.htm#ixzz3wi12LQJq
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Stocks found nowhere to hide Thursday as losers led winners by a wide margin on both major indexes. The Nasdaq dropped 3%, while the S&P 500 and the Dow Jones industrial average fell 2.4% and 2.3%, respectively. The IBD 50 slid 2.5%. Volume rose across the board. Decliners led advancing issues by a more than 6-to-1 ratio on the Nasdaq and NYSE. Among IBD’s 197 industry groups, only gold …
Read More At Investor’s Business Daily: http://news.investors.com/investing-the-big-picture/010716-788718-vicious-selling-whacks-stocks-but-put-call-ratio-hints-at-low.htm#ixzz3wdDMDfNU
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テック株、原油共に大幅下落 – IBD

The Nasdaq extended its sell-off to a fifth straight session Wednesday, and the S&P 500 closed below the 2000 level for the first time in nearly three months. In other words, stocks acted exactly the way they should during a market correction. The tech-filled Nasdaq composite fell 1.1%, extending its losses over the past five sessions to 5.3%.
Read More At Investor’s Business Daily: http://news.investors.com/investing-the-big-picture/010616-788484-techs-oil-both-knocked-hard-in-broad-market-sell-off.htm#ixzz3wY5ZNhjn
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株式は反発を試みるも売り買い交錯 – IBD

火曜日の株式市場は、前日の下落から弱い反発を試みた。ナスダックは0.2%下落、S&P500は0.2%上昇し方向感を失った。両インデックスは12回、上昇と下落を繰り返した。出来高は減少。もし機関投資家が下落に関して買うのをためらうのであれば、彼らは利益を持った …
The stock market made a feeble attempt to rebound Tuesday as it remained woozy from the prior day’s beating. The Nasdaq fell 0.2% while the S&P 500 climbed 0.2% on a day when the market had trouble finding direction. The two indexes went from gains to losses about a dozen times each. Volume fell across the board. If institutional investors were reluctant to buy on the dip, they had good …
Read More At Investor’s Business Daily: http://news.investors.com/investing-the-big-picture/010516-788204-stocks-mixed-as-they-try-to-rebound-from-thrashing.htm#ixzz3wR7ZBJpv
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サウジアラビアがイランとの外交を断絶 – 広瀬隆雄氏の為替相場予報

それではなぜイランの群集はサウジアラビアに対して怒ったか? といえば、それはサウジアラビアがニムール・アル・ニムール師を処刑したからです。

株式市場は大幅下落後訂正された – IBD

A New Year’s celebration on Wall Street Monday was far from happy, at least for the bulls, as a rout in China stocks overnight fueled a broad sell-off, putting the market in a correction. After falling as much as 3.2%, the Nasdaq ended near its session high but still lost 2.1%. The Dow gave up 1.6% and the S&P 500 fell 1.5%. Small caps lagged again, with the Russell 2000 down 2.4%. The IBD 50 …
Read More At Investor’s Business Daily: http://news.investors.com/investing-the-big-picture/010416-787970-stock-market-in-correction-after-steep-losses.htm#ixzz3wL2TD3vi
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久しぶりに新興国に強気! – Market Hack

2011年に「新興国は避けろ!」と言って以来、Market Hackでは新興国の投資機会に言及する機会がぐっと減りました。
Market Hack

コモディティ;1年を通して大勝;市場の値上がりを牽引 – IBD

IBD readers would not be surprised to see the phrase “Santa Claus rally” used to describe strong gains this time of year. Yet the reindeer pulling the market up Wednesday were perhaps not the ones you would have hoped for or expected. The Nasdaq rose 0.9% in higher trade. The S&P 500 posted a 1.2% gain for its biggest up day since Dec. 16’s rare Day 3 follow-through. NYSE turnover fell. These …
Read More At Investor’s Business Daily: http://news.investors.com/investing-the-big-picture/122315-786775-commodities-thrashed-all-year-lead-broad-advance.htm#ixzz3vDHorn1h
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引け間際に上昇;出来高はイマイチ – IBD

A flurry of buying in the last half-hour of trading Monday lifted stocks to session highs. Volume was light as stocks kicked off a shortened week. The Nasdaq added 0.9%, with two-thirds of its gains coming in the last half-hour of trading. The S&P 500 rallied 0.8%, and the Dow industrials picked up 0.7%. Small caps lagged with the Russell 2000 up just 0.6%. The IBD 50 rose 0.4%. It wasn’t …
Read More At Investor’s Business Daily: http://news.investors.com/investing-the-big-picture/122115-786388-flurry-of-buying-lifts-stocks-late-volume-lacks-punch.htm#ixzz3v2Ff9VwL
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株式は大幅反落;アップトレンドは抵抗下にある – IBD

Stocks stumbled further south Friday as the indexes failed to find support at any of the usual places. The Nasdaq lost 1.6%, while the S&P 500 and the Dow Jones industrial average chopped off 1.8% and 2.1%, respectively. The IBD 50 skidded 1.5%. Volume rose on both major exchanges. Friday was an options and futures expiration day, which usually boosts volume. The sell-off in higher volume was …
Read More At Investor’s Business Daily: http://news.investors.com/investing-the-big-picture/121815-786140-sell-off-in-stock-indexes-deepens-uptrend-now-under-pressure.htm#ixzz3uvlsWFo1
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株式は若干厄介な負けを積み上げた;出来高が低いのが救い – IBD

Stocks rose in the first five minutes of Thursday’s session and then slid steadily south. The S&P 500 dropped 1.5%, while the Nasdaq tailgated with a 1.4% loss. The IBD 50 fell 1.1%. Volume fell on both major U.S. exchanges. The rare, third-day follow-through Wednesday looked somewhat hollow with Thursday’s ugly price losses. Yet declining volume dulled the edge of the indexes’ losses, …
Read More At Investor’s Business Daily: http://news.investors.com/investing-the-big-picture/121715-785882-stocks-pile-up-some-nasty-losses-lower-volume-is-only-saving-grace.htm#ixzz3ue3cD9EL
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FOMC声明文「ハト派」か「タカ派」かを、どこで読み分けるの? – Market Hack


フォロースルー・デー とは- IBD


FOMCの利上げにより、S&P500にフォロー スルー・デーが至現 – IBD

水曜日の相場は、FOMCが2006年6月以来初めて0.25%の利上げを実施したことにより、S&P500にフォロー スルー・デーが至現した。S&P500とナスダックはそれぞれ1.5%上昇。ダウ平均は1.3%、IBD50は1.1%上昇。NYSEでは市場の幅は固く、買い方が売り方を9:2で圧勝。ナスダックでは、3:1で買い方の売り方を上回る。
The S&P 500 marked a follow-through day Wednesday after the Fed raised interest rates by a quarter point, the first increase since June 2006. The S&P 500 and Nasdaq rallied 1.5%. The Dow rose 1.3% and the IBD 50 added 1.1%. Market breadth was solid, with advancing stocks beating decliners by 9 to 2 on the NYSE. On the Nasdaq, winners topped losers by nearly 3 to 1. The S&P 500’s …
Read More At Investor’s Business Daily: http://news.investors.com/investing-the-big-picture/121615-785711-sandp-500-follows-through-after-fed-hikes-interest-rates.htm#ixzz3uXV3OOqv
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