株式は反発を試みるも売り買い交錯 – IBD

火曜日の株式市場は、前日の下落から弱い反発を試みた。ナスダックは0.2%下落、S&P500は0.2%上昇し方向感を失った。両インデックスは12回、上昇と下落を繰り返した。出来高は減少。もし機関投資家が下落に関して買うのをためらうのであれば、彼らは利益を持った …
The stock market made a feeble attempt to rebound Tuesday as it remained woozy from the prior day’s beating. The Nasdaq fell 0.2% while the S&P 500 climbed 0.2% on a day when the market had trouble finding direction. The two indexes went from gains to losses about a dozen times each. Volume fell across the board. If institutional investors were reluctant to buy on the dip, they had good …
Read More At Investor’s Business Daily: http://news.investors.com/investing-the-big-picture/010516-788204-stocks-mixed-as-they-try-to-rebound-from-thrashing.htm#ixzz3wR7ZBJpv
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