市場への売り圧力が無くなりアップトレンドへ、指数は急上昇 – IBD

Stocks started strongly and finished even stronger Wednesday, marking a positive shift in the market outlook. Wednesday’s big move knocked off the pressure on the market uptrend. Thanks in part to a 3% jump in Apple (AAPL), the Nasdaq outperformed with a 1.8% gain and had its best day since bolting 2.3% on Oct. 23. Goldman Sachs added the maker of iPhones and iPads to its Conviction Buy List.
Read More At Investor’s Business Daily: http://news.investors.com/investing-the-big-picture/111815-781536-pressure-comes-off-market-uptrend-as-indexes-rise-sharply.htm#ixzz3ruidso5K
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