まだ日本株で消耗してるの? 確定拠出年金で退職金をどこまで増やせるか!

S&P500はコモディティ株によって下落;ナスダックは失速 – IBD

The stock market’s attempt to rebound for a second straight session fizzled in afternoon trading Tuesday. News of a canceled marquee soccer match in the German city of Hanover rattled investors. The S&P 500 squandered an intraday gain of almost 0.7% to end down by a little more than 0.1%. NYSE volume grew. Since the S&P 500’s loss was smaller than the 0.2% minimum required for a …
Read More At Investor’s Business Daily: http://news.investors.com/investing-the-big-picture/111715-781316-commodity-stocks-send-sandp-500-lower-nasdaq-gets-stall-day.htm#ixzz3ro3KBaHB
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