
月曜日の株式は高く寄り付いて、決算、取引ニュースと経済報告でさらに強化された。ナスダックは0.7%、S&P 500は0.5%の上昇。一方で、ダウ平均は0.4%上がった。今日の株式市場は少ない出来高で推移している。
Stocks opened higher and further strengthened Monday amid earnings, deal news and economic reports. The Nasdaq rallied 0.7% and the S&P 500 climbed 0.5%. Meanwhile, the Dow Jones industrial average rose 0.4%. Trade was running lower across the board in the stock market today
In earnings news, Estee Lauder (NYSE:EL) gapped above its 200-day line and bolted nearly 9% on strong quarterly results. The stock cleared an 85.33 buy point from a cup-with-handle base.
Read More At Investor’s Business Daily: http://news.investors.com/investing-stock-market-today/110215-778577-stock-market-today.htm#ixzz3qLnkStSb
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