まだ日本株で消耗してるの? 確定拠出年金で退職金をどこまで増やせるか!

GDP速報値が株価先物を鳴らす;アラガン、オーライリーが高い – IBD

ダウ先物は1時間前の44ポイント高から転じて、適正市場価格から57.2ポイント安。ナスダック100先物は18ポイント上昇して20.7ポイント下落。S&P 500先物も転じて6.7ポイント下落。
株式市場は水曜日のFRB発表から今週はナスダックは今まで1.3%、S&P 500が0.7%上昇している。両インデックスは5週連続の上昇である。
Stock futures shed Thursday’s premarket gains and reversed to moderate losses after mixed reports on unemployment claims and Q3 GDP growth.
Dow futures dropped 57.2 points below fair market value, down from a 44-point advance an hour earlier. Nasdaq 100 futures shed an 18-point gain and dropped 20.7 points. S&P 500 futures also reversed, trading down 6.7 points.
The stock market today received a boost from the Federal Reserve Wednesday that left the Nasdaq up 1.3% so far this week and the S&P 500 showing a 0.7% gain. Both indexes are working on what would be a fifth straight weekly advance.
More important for growth investors, small caps are having a strong week. The Russell 2000 surged 2.9% Wednesday — it’s strongest session since Dec. 17, 2014. That lifted the small cap gauge clear of its 50-day moving average and put it ahead 1.1% for the week. Even so, the index remains well below its next test of resistance at its 200-day line.
Read More At Investor’s Business Daily: http://news.investors.com/investing-stock-market-today/102915-778054-stock-futures-point-to-lower-open.htm#ixzz3pxjrKG7a
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