まだ日本株で消耗してるの? 確定拠出年金で退職金をどこまで増やせるか!

FOMCの発表を受け、小型株が上昇 – IBD

水曜日の株式市場は決算発表とFOMC発表を受け大幅上昇。予想通りFOMCが金利を据え置きにしたため主要株価は上昇したが、12月に利上げの余地を残している。小型株は精彩を欠く成績の後に大幅上昇した。ラッセル2000は2.9%の大幅上昇。IDB 50は1.6%、ナスダックは1.3%の上昇。
Earnings reports took a back seat to the Fed Wednesday, and the end result was pretty darn good. Major averages yo-yoed to a bullish close after the Fed, as expected, kept interest rates unchanged but left the door open for a rate hike in December. Small caps outperformed after a period of lackluster performance. The Russell 2000 jumped 2.9%. The IBD 50 gained 1.6%. The Nasdaq rose 1.3%, the …
Read More At Investor’s Business Daily: http://news.investors.com/investing-the-big-picture/102815-777968-small-caps-lead-solid-up-session-as-fed-stands-pat.htm#ixzz3pvVf3bGx
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