株式の大部分は最近の上昇後動かず – IBD

月曜日の株式は過去4週間の上昇から一服し、売り買い交錯で終わった。ナスダックはインデックスの多くを占めているアップル(AAPL)の3%の下落にもかかわらず、わずかに0.1%の上昇。半導体株も弱い。フィラデルフィア・セミコンダクターは2%の下落。しかし、インターネット関連株は強かった。S&P 500は初めに0.4%ほど下落した後0.2%の下落・・
Stocks ended narrowly mixed and took a breather Monday after rising for the past four weeks. The Nasdaq squeezed out an 0.1% gain, despite a 3% drop in index heavyweight Apple (AAPL). Chips stocks were also weak. The Philadelphia semiconductor index slumped 2%. But Internet content stocks were strong Monday. The benchmark S&P 500 fell 0.2% after being down as much as 0.4% earlier in the day. …
Read More At Investor’s Business Daily: http://news.investors.com/investing-the-big-picture/102615-777479-stocks-mostly-stay-put-after-their-recent-run.htm#ixzz3pjBwfShd
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