株価はファストレーンに切り替わった;アマゾン、アルファベット(グーグル)が時間外で上昇 – IBD

木曜日の株式は取引が始めるとすぐに上昇し、事実上一日のかなりの利益のすべてを保持した。ナスダックは1.6%上昇、S&P 500は1.7%上昇、ダウ平均は1.9%の上昇。四半期決算の好結果によるマクドナルドの8%の上昇がダウを牽引した。
Stocks took a bold turn Thursday, rising in fast trade and keeping virtually all of the day’s sizable gains. The Nasdaq gained 1.6%, the S&P 500 thrust 1.7% higher, while the Dow Jones industrial average booked a 1.9% gain. McDonald’s (MCD) had a 8% romp that boosted the Dow after the fast-food king reported better-than-expected quarterly results. Small caps trailed the major indexes, with …
Read More At Investor’s Business Daily: http://news.investors.com/investing-the-big-picture/102215-777046-stocks-switch-to-the-fast-lane-amazon-alphabet-up-after-hours.htm#ixzz3pM2ebIAF
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