まだ日本株で消耗してるの? 確定拠出年金で退職金をどこまで増やせるか!

株式は滑り、僅かに利益を取り戻す;モンスター、オザーク銀行が上昇 – IBD

火曜日の株式は寄りで少し下落したが、すぐに狭い動きになった。ナスダックとS&P 500はそれぞれ0.1%以下の上昇。ダウ平均はIBMの5%のロスで0.1%の下落。
Stocks opened to thin losses Tuesday, but quickly retrenched into narrowly mixed action. The Nasdaq and S&P 500 were positive, up less than 0.1% each. The Dow Jones industrial average hung 0.1% into the red, weighed down by IBM’s (NYSE:IBM) 5% loss.
Volume was narrowly mixed, 2% higher on the NYSE and down 4% on the Nasdaq, relative to trade early Monday.
The stock market today received mixed signals before the open from September housing data, which showed housing starts up more than 6% for the month, while permits for future building projects slowed
Read More At Investor’s Business Daily: http://news.investors.com/investing-stock-market-today/102015-776417-stocks-buzz-in-mixed-trade-tuesday.htm#ixzz3p7mMo5Vt
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