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ナスダックはバイオテック株の上げに牽引されて再び50日移動平均線を奪回 – IBD

木曜日の株式相場は、ナスダックが再び50日移動平均線を奪回して大幅上昇。ナスダックは1.8%上昇、S&P 500とダウ平均はそれぞれ1.5%と1.3%の上昇。IBD 50銘柄は1.7%上昇。出来高は軒並み上昇した。小型株のラッセル2000は2.3%の大幅上昇。小型株の強さは良いサインである・・
Stocks piled on big gains Thursday, as the Nasdaq confidently retook its 50-day moving average. The Nasdaq plowed ahead 1.8%, while the S&P 500 and the Dow Jones industrial average added 1.5% and 1.3%, respectively. The IBD 50 popped 1.7%. Volume rose across the board. The small-cap Russell 2000 was the day’s star, thrusting 2.3%. Strength in small caps is a good sign, suggesting at least some …
Read More At Investor’s Business Daily: http://news.investors.com/investing-the-big-picture/101515-775927-nasdaq-retakes-50-day-line-as-biotechs-lead-the-way-up.htm#ixzz3ogmJSZdr
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