まだ日本株で消耗してるの? 確定拠出年金で退職金をどこまで増やせるか!

株価は下落、休むも相場 – IBD

火曜日の株式市場はその過熱感から休憩を取る準備ができていること示し下落した。主要インデックスは売り手が過去に抜け出したレベルと同じくらい低くなった。ナスダックは0.9%下落し、引けは50日移動平均線のすぐ下。9月17日にピークを打ったのと同じ価格動向指標です。S&P 500は0.7%下落・・・
Stocks stumbled Tuesday in a session that suggested the market is ready to take a break from its feverish advance. The main indexes turned lower just as they reached levels where sellers have emerged in the past. The Nasdaq fell 0.9% and closed right back below its 50-day moving average. That’s the same price-trend indicator where the composite hit its Sept. 17 peak. The S&P 500 lost 0.7% after …
Read More At Investor’s Business Daily: http://news.investors.com/investing-the-big-picture/101315-775416-stocks-tumble-seem-ready-to-take-a-break.htm#ixzz3oVIS9Fdm
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