FOMC議事録公表前に株価下落; ドミノ、eBay、アップルが下がる – IBD

木曜日の寄り直後はFOMC議事録公表前の静かな相場のため、方向感のないトレードで若干下落。ナスダックは0.4%、S&P 500は0.3%、ダウ平均は0.1%の下落。
Stocks wobbled out of mixed trade and into narrow losses early Thursday, as markets moved in quiet trade ahead of the release of Federal Reserve minutes. The Nasdaq dropped 0.4%. The S&P 500 dipped 0.3% and the Dow Jones industrial average eased 0.1%.
Volume was unevenly lower, down 5% on the Nasdaq and 34% lower on the NYSE, compared with trade at the same time Wednesday.
Economic news in the stock market today opened on positive footing, with weekly jobless claims falling to 263,000, well below consensus expectations for 271,000. Investors looked toward this afternoon’s release of minutes from the Sept. 17 Federal Open Market Committee meeting, due out at 2 p.m. ET.
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