まだ日本株で消耗してるの? 確定拠出年金で退職金をどこまで増やせるか!

FOMC議事録で株価は上昇;S&P 500は50日移動平均線を回復 – IDB

ナスダックは1.1%戻し0.4%のプラスで終了。S&P 500とダウ平均はそれぞれ0.9%と0.8%の上昇。小型株はS&P 600と同じように1.2%の上昇。
テクニカル的には、前向きな日であった。S&P 500の終値が8月中旬以来やっと50日移動平均線を上回った。
Stocks sagged in the first half of the session Thursday but recovered after the release of the Federal Reserve’s minutes from its September meeting.
The Nasdaq rubbed out a 1.1% loss and finished up 0.4%. The S&P 500 and the Dow Jones industrial rose 0.9% and 0.8%, respectively. Small caps outperformed as the S&P 600 sprinted ahead 1.2%.
Volume fell across the board.
The market found traction after the Fed minutes were released. The minutes didn’t reveal anything new, but apparently hearing things twice reassured the skeptics.
From a technical standpoint, the day was constructive. The S&P 500 closed above its 50-day line, a position it hasn’t been in since mid-August.
Read More At Investor’s Business Daily: http://news.investors.com/investing-the-big-picture/100815-774779-stocks-post-gains-on-fed-minutes-sandp-500-retakes-50-day-line.htm#ixzz3o26f2ePD
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