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株式市場の新しいアップトレンドは今の所順調である – IBD

S&P 500の強気のフォロースルーシグナルが出てから1日経ったが、月曜日は新しいアップトレンドにとって今の所とても良い相場であった。エネルギーと資源株がS&P 500を1.8%押し上げた。今年1年で最長の5日連続上昇した。
With just one day after the S&P 500’s bullish follow-through signal, Monday’s action could be summed up as “pretty good so far” for the new uptrend. Energy and material stocks helped the S&P 500 to a 1.8% gain. The benchmark index has now climbed for five straight sessions, marking its longest win streak of the year.
The Nasdaq rallied 1.6% and has now erased nearly all losses from a six-day slide from late September. The Dow Jones industrial average climbed 1.8%. In a sign that risk-taking is back on, the small-cap Russell 2000 jumped 2.5%. The index had been largely lagging the Nasdaq’s gains.
Read More At Investor’s Business Daily: http://news.investors.com/investing-the-big-picture/100515-774158-so-far-so-good-for-new-stock-market-uptrend.htm#ixzz3nkIbWwdp
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