株価指数が上昇転換、新しいアップトレンドへの転換が確認されたーIBD 抜粋翻訳

金曜日の株式相場は、寄りの大きな下落を引けで戻し、好ましい反転をした。ナスダックは1.6%下落した後1.7%上昇。S&P 500は1.4%の上昇。IBD50銘柄は1%の上げ。
Stocks staged a positive reversal Friday, turning big losses at the open into solid gains by the close. The Nasdaq scored a 1.7% advance after being down 1.6%. The S&P rose 1.4%. The IBD 50 lagged with a 1% pop.
A follow-through day confirms that an uptrend is underway. This means quality stocks now can be bought as they break out of valid bases or bounce off the 50-day line in strong volume.
Read More At Investor’s Business Daily: http://news.investors.com/investing-the-big-picture/100215-773951-stock-indexes-reverse-higher-confirm-arrival-of-new-uptrend.htm#ixzz3nSwldLts
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