売り圧力が弱まり売り買い交錯 IBD 抜粋翻訳

火曜日の株式市場は売り圧力が弱まり、売り買い交錯で終了。ナスダックは6日連続で続落で0.6%の下げ。S&P 500は終盤の上げで0.5%まで損失を減らし、0.1%の上げ。小型株のRussell 2000は0.6%の下げ。
The stock market closed mixed Tuesday, as sellers slowed their assault. The Nasdaq fell for a sixth consecutive day, dropping 0.6%. The S&P 500 edged up 0.1% after a late rally erased a loss of as much as 0.5%. The small-cap Russell 2000 fell 0.6%.
This can be a good time to brush up on short-selling skills, provided that you control risk just as you do on the long side. The Cut List on IBD’s Leaderboard has a few stocks identified as short-sale plays, some of which already have been profitable in that role.
Read More At Investor’s Business Daily: http://news.investors.com/investing-the-big-picture/092915-773310-stocks-finish-mixed-as-selling-wave-slows.htm#ixzz3nBGd5onW
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